(+) Design a short video using sound and type to communicate a hiaku
(+) Apply audio appropriately
(+) Understand workflow methods sometimes needed while working in motion
(+) Navigate pace and readability of the motion graphic correctly
(+) Understand framing and color balance in the composition
Spring rain –
running down a wasp’s nest
from a roof that leaks - Matsuo Basho
I ultimately chose this specific haiku because I enjoyed the polarity of this haiku and how strong the verbiage is.
(+) To explore the role of graphic designers as social activists
(+) Research the history of voting posters, voting, and political graphic design
(+) Create nuanced yet fast, impactful graphic vocabularies
(+) Refine a visual identity across different formats
This poster is meant to act as a visual system. Extensions of merchandise, stickers, etc. will be products of the kinetic poster. Voting is meant to be put into a new and inviting context in relation to Houston Texas and the 2023 Mayoral Election season.
(+) Develop a concept for a character set put together by blocks
(+) Understand the step-by-step process of fleshing out a typeface
(+) Refresh on the anatomy of type
(+) Experience the importance of rhythm and form
The overall purpose is to exercise the process from sketching to digitizing and creating a functional font.
Ultimately, packaging and product should be cohesive.
(+) Review typefaces based on content
(+) Develop a critical eye for typographic form, syntax, and hierarchy
(+) Research the use of grid structure and its relation to content and format.
(+) Ideal text formatting for navigability, legibility, and visual interest
(+) Merge type with illustration/developed imagery
A Collector’s Guide helps the reader identify parts of a collection.
MANUSCRIPT - Select and Edit Continuous Narrative Text
MODULAR/COLUMN - Organize as Collector’s Guide
(+) Designing for a targeted audience
(+) Researching mission, vision, and goals
(+) Maintaining a unified brand voice and visual system
(+) Creating dynamic layouts and typographic options
The IBN Sina Foundation provides integrated, preventative and primary care to low income
and indigent families in a clinical setting throughout the Houston area and Port Arthur, Texas.
(+) Extend a non-profit’s identity system using motion
(+) Stay true to the organization’s purpose and logo aesthetic
(+) Work behind concepts of contrast, change, and composition
AIGA Houston is a chapter of AIGA, the professional association for design. They’re a non-profit organization that represents and supports the design community. AIGA’s mission is to advance design as a professional craft, strategic advantage, and vital cultural force.
(+) Exploration of the rules and principles of print production
(+) Create work that can be successfully produced by print professionals
(+) Combine a love of type, image, and form with technical specifications
(+) Translate general and abstract Ideas into a system
(+) Making work that is consistent yet dynamic
Understanding the Production of Print-Ready Materials. Based on the concept of “Wild yet Contained”
- Information is placed into a consistent and simple 3 column layout
- Hand drawn illustrations throughout the book contrast with the easier-nagivated display of information